Good morning world...
Got up with warm fuzzy feelings this mornin...
Made my coffee..sat down in my favorite chair & sipped away...
Got to thinkin how much my mornings mean to me...to be able to sit & ruminate about my day...
what I have to get done...what I want to get done...& just plain day dreaming...
I am fortunate in that I can do this on a regular basis...I don't have kids and I work full time at home...
as an artist...mornings are important to me...
I am not a night bird...I go to bed early & wake up early...
early is when my ideas happen...sitting...thinking... getting out my sketch book...write or draw all the new inspirations that have come to me...
I find that waking up and working out ideas in my sketchbook keeps me in a positive mood...it excites me...along with caffein...
I find it amazing how the creative juices get flowing when I look through my project journal...one thing leads to the next & before you know I have new designs & patterns to keep me busy for some time...
Doing this keeps my art flowing...original & all my own....yea they're not Van Goghs or Jackson Pollacks...but they're all mine...I made them & I know they came from my heart...
I like small....small is cozy... quaint...personal...& to be honest... working in small suits my level of patience just right...someone...I think a family member said to me...why don't you make bigger pieces...I think not
Small is wonderful...something to hold in the palm of your hand...something to covet...something warm...and tucked away in the corner of your heart...
So I make small things...small is good...
To Do Today
make some more wee mice
have to start custom order today for sure
try not to burn dinner tonight...you really can't
make art & cook at the same time
really want to organize studio shelves...
plan a fun art day just for me...make something for me
get some exercise & fresh air...warmer out today...good to go for a walk
change date of the Willow's Valentines dinner from the 13 to the 14th
put more photos in photobucket..edit them
wash car if you get a chance...get Dino to do it...
Iron Dino's shirts...& mine
thats it for now...
be happy