I fuzzied up little Nervous Ned... a good grooming with the old toothbrush & he is is all fluffed up, & I am hoping...looking a little more possum like. Oh yah, gave him a bit of a wee shower with the old spray bottle & then scrubbed his back...under his arms...no soap though...he's new... so he's not to stinky yet. {do possums smell...I wouldn't know} The weee shower & scrub lightened his coat up just right... I then went back in with some white paint here... a little pink there and last but not least, gave him a wee tuffet for his little fuzzy behind. He is a custom piece for a gal who has been called possum since she was a little girl... a sweet endearment for sure. I hope this little guy finds a warm place in her heart & home...
Adorable and yes they really smell horrible. But I am sure this one smells fresh as daisies.
Susan he turned out beautifully... I never thought I would be a Possum person but this little guy makes me want to be. :)
Suzie, I love him! You have done a fabulous job of capturing a possum, not too easy to do I would think.
Like Pea said, I've always heard they smell but thankfully have never been close enough to personally know!
Hope the human "Possum" loves him!
By George, I think you've got it! Yes, there is something a bit more "opossum-y" about Nervous Ned now!
Nervous Ned is so sweet! I just love your work, Esther
oh! that fur roughing really worked!
Oh Ned is so dang cute ! I love possums.~~Pam
Susan ~ it's wonderful! I'm sure it will be treasured! I know I treasure my work of art that you made for me!
Hey Susan! just stopping by to say hey, and what a cutie petutie mouse!! robin
OMG I AM SO DUMB, not mouse but OPPOSSUM..sorry, and adorable at that.. I think I had the Mouse Droppings title in my head when I was admiring him!!
Susan, you needn't be nervous over Nervous Ned because he is just perfect!
Possum should find a great deal of enjoyment from owning this piece. I know I would!
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